
cupcake bonanza

Happy Memorial Day! We missed going to SLC to see family and help with the graveside cleanup, but the good news is that I'm feeling much better. On the whole, it's been a great weekend: finished homework, planted more vegetables in the garden, made and ate delicious Pad Thai, rode bikes with Clark, spent time with friends, enjoyed church, and slept-in three days in a row. I also made these crazy, delicious cupcakes. I saw the idea online and wanted to try it despite the lack of healthy ingredients. (I think whole wheat flour would have ruined the effect.) I wish some neices and nephews lived near us so they could marvel at my cute cupcakes and eat them up.


  1. Yeah Lindsay. You're in the blog-o-sphere!! I have a blog too. It's on blogspot, dcandbaby. I'm so happy! I'm a blog addict. It's ok. I'm sure I'll get help for this addiction someday. WELCOME!!!

  2. these cupcakes are so cool. I really like that you have a blog and I really like you. In fact, I love you. I am glad you are feeling better, I love Clark's cake and I am loving your garden. Have a fabulous day.

  3. Oh good. It's about time you graced the internet with your streams of consciousness.

  4. Wow, you'll have to post a link or the website to those cupcakes. They look great!

  5. My favorite meal would be edaname followed by a cupcake!! Maybe you'll start a "Crazy Cupcakes" side business. Love you lots, Aunt 'bec

  6. Okay, I can't find the site where I saw the cupcakes. It's easy, though. Just divide your cupcake batter and add food coloring (I did four colors). Then spoon several different colors into each cupcake cup and bake.

  7. well color me happy because i get to see more of you on the internets. and you get to see more of me writing with no capitals :)

  8. Nice blog. I too joined the blogging world awhile ago but am really bad at keeping mine updated. Blodgett has a blog as well. Her link is on my page. She is worse than I am though. tee hee. Hope all is well.
